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Still life with Apples and Oranges Painting

Size (WxH): 26" x 20" inch (65 x 50 cm)
Medium: Oil on Linen
Painted in (year): 2012
Category: Still-Life Art Paintings

A. Roy
A. Roy

Still Life With Apples And Oranges is an original, one-of-a-kind, still-life painting signed by artist A. Roy. This piece of art was created in 2012 and the painter used oil on linen. It measures 26" x 20" inch (65 x 50 cm) and is available for sale online for 1500 USD.


Still Life with Apples and Oranges by A. Roy is that original painting able to just emits positivity from every stroke of the brush. The bright and cheery blues mixes in well with the optimistic and charming yellows and oranges. The major contrast in the image – the dark, olive vase – offers yet another look for adding a touch of class to the whole setting. As a one of a kind painting, this can make the perfect finishing touch to add a bit of extra quality to any room in your property, adding character and class wherever used.

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