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Man with dog Painting

Size (WxH): 16" x 16" inch (40 x 40 cm)
Medium: Mixed media on Canvas
Painted in (year): 2017
Category: Figurative Art Paintings

Edmonda Berdilla
Edmonda Berdilla

Man With Dog is an original, one-of-a-kind, figurative painting signed by artist Edmonda Berdilla. This piece of art was created in 2017 and the painter used mixed media on canvas. It measures 16" x 16" inch (40 x 40 cm) and is available for sale online for 800 USD.

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The birth of painting took place starting from a line, from a drawing that, from the beginning, forms the foundation of all the arts. Beyond the myth, with its enormous spectrum of application, drawing is the main tool of every design, both artistic and industrial. In this capacity we can find the archetype for every formal elaboration. Painting is born in a moment of profound dismay before the world, in a moment in which the sensible world exists with a power, a force that is extraneous and, therefore, not human. Also for this reason, in every painting there is more